Why Does My Cat Carry a Toy Around & Meow?


Cats certainly behave in ways that sometimes have us scratching our heads wondering what’s going on in their heads. It probably won't surprise you to learn that much of our study of animal behaviors is based on conjecture. We can't see inside their minds to view the world from their point of view, so we observe their behaviors and try to connect the dots without imposing our human motivations on the animals being studied.

That said, we can often come to some reasonable conclusions about behaviors like carrying a toy around and meowing. Cats who do this are basically bonded to their toys as if they were their offspring. It's not uncommon for cats to do this, especially if they're raised without a lot of interaction from other cats. The toy basically fills a gap in their world and comforts them, in much the same way that a stuffed toy can comfort a child. My own Miss Lucy has a favorite toy I call "Cat Head" that she carries to the bedroom each night before settling down herself.

Some people think that tom cats lack parenting skills, since many of them wander off and never even meet their offspring. But many male cats are quite protective of their mates and their litters. There's a great story about a male homeless cat who was offered food and instead of eating it, he went and got his sick mate and showed her the food and then guarded her as she ate it. Both cats were starving, but the tom cat offered the meal to his ailing friend. Fortunately, they were subsequently trapped and they both got the veterinary treatments they needed.

I’m also fond of a cat known as Grandpa Mason who was instrumental in helping to train abandoned kittens at a rescue in Canada. You can see a little about him here: 

So, enjoy your cat’s affection for their toy. And if you can, it would be a good idea to buy one (or two) extras as backups.

cat behaviorist Tom Kirby, UW-AAB

Author: Tom Kirby, UW-AAB - cat behaviorist

I’m certified in applied animal behavior and have years of experience solving the specific problems faced by cat caregivers like you every day.

I’m here to help you and your feline friends live happier, healthier lives together.

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